Saxons Awake!

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Tomorrow is Another Country
What is Wrong with the UK's Asylum Policy?

Sir Alfred Sherman
The Salisbury Review - Spring 2003

I first became aware of mass third world immigration into Britain in the mid 'sixties, when an old acquaintance then working in race relations, suggested that I look at the political fall-out from immigration in two 'reception areas', Deptford and Southall, with the eyes of a Balkanologist, tracing the interplay of culture, nationality, religion, economics and race. I did so and was horrified. My natural vague sympathy for the immigrants, strangers in a foreign land, was replaced by strong but hopeless sympathy for the British victims of mass immigration, whose home areas were being occupied. I was made aware of a disquieting evolution in 'Establishment' attitudes towards what they called immigration or race relations and I dubbed 'colonisation'. The well-being and 'rights' - a weasel word - of immigrants and ethnic minorities, present and potential, had become paramount. The British working classes, hitherto the object of demonstrative solicitude by the Establishment, particularly the New Establishment on the Left, acquired new status as the enemy, damned by the all-purpose pejorative, 'racists', a term never defined but uncritically self-justifying, imported from the United States, and bran­dished here, often by witch-finders from the USA.

At the time, I argued against judging the Old World, with its basic traditions of nationdom, against institutions borrowed from the New, where civic nations had been created. The Daily Telegraph, for whom I had written on Cuba and Latin America, published two articles by me devoted to the plight of British working people in the 'reception areas' and another on the self-defeating economic illogic of importing cheap colonial labour.

I was a voice crying in the wilderness; no matter that the overwhelming majority of Englishmen and Englishwomen shared my views and sentiments; a far stronger force was working against me, in the opposite direction. It still is. Whether these two admirably cogent theses under review against mass immigration and the breakdown of Britain's defence against being 'swamped' by the third world and Islam will affect the balance of opinion here remains to be seen. We are not fully apprised of the nature of the forces ranged against us, whether it is simply a climate of opinion which emerged from whatever cause and in due course will dissipate, or whether it is a symptom of a diminution in the British political classes' instinct for national survival.
